Kind words from our congregation...
Our church has been a big part of our family’s life since the day we joined. The friendliness of the members and the love for Christ is what brought us to FCOC. We have felt the love of Christ throughout the 17 years we have been members through acts of kindness towards ourselves and others we know. I appreciate the authenticity of our worship services and our weekly communion time. FCOC has changed through the years in members and leaders, but it still remains a Christ centered church, where we serve and love one another.
Adrian Duron
Friendswood Church of Christ has blessed me by making me a part of a Christian family that is of one body, one spirit and strives for the same glorious future…. Everlasting Life through the good news.
Lisa Sullivan
Most churches of christ are close-knit groups, that are quick to welcome newcomers, and are more like a family, and, who actually teach the bible..... This is an excellent church. The Friendswood Church of Christ is one of the most friendly and welcoming churches I've ever been to. I went there once and decided that was where l will go as long as I'm here. I was fortunate to have found it.
Jacob Shaw
Love attending here. Never knew a church that knows and actually studies the Bible like they do here. I have learned a great deal. Everyone makes you feel so welcome too!
Hazel Jagen
This church is truly a family. If you need a place to belong and be loved wherever you are in life, this church will receive you with the love of Christ.
Danny Mercer
Come as you are, and you will be loved.
Lorena Counterman
The Friendswood Church of Christ is truly a family of Christians. The group is full of those who may have grown up in church as well as those who had never walked into a church building. The worship, studies and activities are all about learning and bringing glory to God, not about following traditions. You will find lots of love whether you are part of a family, a single, young or old!
Todd & Pam Smithgall
Maybe Until
Maybe until we figure out some things, we don’t know to realize how much we need a church family.
I always say if I ever give my testimony, I will introduce myself by saying, “Hello, my name is Cindy, and I’m a recovering Christian.
I say that because as a Christian, we learn to take one day at a time, we learn we have seasons in our life. We think some of them are going to kill us with heartbreak and sorrow; but we are comforted to know He made us a promise; he truly will turn our mourning into dancing.
Maybe Until you have passed through some of the seasons of your life, you can’t appreciate the season to dance and laugh, and you can’t help anyone else walk through the fire if you haven’t swept up the ashes of your own.
Maybe Until you have been told you are “marked” and going to hell because you divorced and remarried, you can’t appreciate the depth and weight of the guilt removed from your heart when you hear “there is nothing God won’t forgive”
Maybe Until you join a house group and get to know 15-20 people on a more personal level, you can’t appreciate the fact that we are all humans, all sinners, and we all need each other.
Maybe Until you join a house group you think you are the only one with a dysfunctional family filled to the brim with problems and embarrassing situations; it’s such a relief to know, it’s not just your family!
Maybe Until you get to know those people as someone other than someone you just see at a Sunday morning service, you could easily consider them rude for not talking; if you didn’t know they’d stayed at the hospital all night with a loved one, lost their job, buried a friend, or had to fire employees they loved.
Maybe Until you walk with them through the joyful expectancy of a new child or grandchild, from ultrasound pictures to the proud parents holding them at the hospital; you don’t know how exciting it is to see that baby being carried into the church.
Maybe Until you join a homegroup, you don’t meet a friend that loves animals as much as you and share the joy of comparing treat and trick stories or know why the e-mail of the dog looking guilty makes you laugh so hard.
Maybe Until you have seen a grown man cry and ask for prayer for something he wishes he had said or not said, you don’t understand that far away look you saw instead of a handshake.
Maybe Until you have had someone pray so hard for the circle of friends that not a dry eye is left in the room, you have not experienced true love or the power of prayer.
Maybe Until you have been told you can’t eat in a church, that it is disrespectful to God; you haven’t shared a meal with God’s children and felt the presence of Jesus at your table and known without a doubt he was pleased to be there.
Maybe Until you have seen a mother tell her children to be still when they are singing praises; you don’t understand the smile on my face when I see our children sing, dance, and even “Whoop” for the Lord.
Maybe Until you have walked into a church feeling like you will never “make the mark”, you can’t grasp how refreshing it is to walk into a church and be greeted with a hug, a handshake, or fresh baked bread.
Maybe Until you make the choice to become a better member, to become a more active part of a clean fun loving, and sharing group, maybe until you decide to get involved and become an active servant to others, you just can’t grasp the emotional fulfillment and acceptance all humans crave.
Maybe Until you change your attitude from “what do I have to do?” to “what can I do?”, you won’t know the joy of serving someone else; and in doing so, forget your own concerns.
Maybe Until you hold your hand up in praise (even if you are a little embarrassed at first), you won’t experience how humbling it is to honor and worship God with your heartfelt songs.
Maybe Until you open your heart to allow someone else to honor God in a way that is personal and heartfelt to them; you can’t understand your own controlling nature.
I’ve lived a long hard life. I’ve done stupid things. I had bad ideas and followed them through. I was hardheaded and hardhearted. I thought I had answers. I made things harder for myself by thinking I didn’t need anyone else. I told a friend to put on my tombstone “Here lays Cindy, working it out”. Maybe until you come to a point in your life when you realize you can’t do it alone and you finally pour your heart out and ask God to take over and lead you; when you finally pray for a revelation and open your heart, Maybe Until then, you won’t find a church you are happy with, because maybe it’s not the church. that’s the problem.