Christian Counseling Center
The Friendswood Counseling Center is here to help those hurting.
The Center is committed to provide professional Christian counseling that is confidential and affordable. Our counselors are active Christians who are committed to the use of Biblical and Faith principles in the counseling sessions. Each client’s personal beliefs are respected.
Counseling for Individual, Family and Marriage Counseling to help these issues:
Grief, Anxiety, Stress & Depression
Family Conflict, Marital Difficulties, Parenting Problems
Spiritual Struggles, Religious Questions
We look forward to walking with you as we help you heal.
Phone (281) 482 - 3882
Friendswood Christian School
Friendswood Christian School is a wonderful part of our church family. The school provides the community a place for children to be loved, nurtured, and educated for working families.
Our teachers are carefully selected and trained to work with children 6 weeks to age 5. The learning environment is carefully prepared indoors and outdoors for our students to learn and explore through play. Our students learn to acquire physical and cognitive skills with our hands-on (play) approach to state approved curricula and Bible.
We want our students and their families to come away from our interactions with a love for Christ!
Contact Friendswood Christian School at (281) 482-4087.

Impact Church – We have had a connection with this inner city Houston church for many years. They minister in m any ways to the families in their area. One of their outreaches is the Distribution Center, which provides food to families each week. We collect non-perishable food items for this ministry.
Pregnancy & Parenting Support Center – This center provides support to women in crisis pregnancies in various ways both during the pregnancy and after delivery. We conduct virtual baby showers throughout the year to provide diapers and other needed items for these new moms.
Operation Christmas Child – We join with the Samaritan’s Purse ministry in providing shoe boxes filled with Christmas presents for kids around the world. The boxes, along with the Good News of Jesus, are delivered to children in need.
Angel Tree – This is a ministry of Prison Fellowship that is directed to the children of the incarcerated in our local area as well as around the US. We provide money for the purchase of Christmas gifts, which are given to the children from the incarcerated parent.
Arms of Hope – This organization (with locations in San Antonio and Dallas) assists children and single-mother families in need. Several times a year they send a truck to collect nonperishable items for the homes of these children. We participate by collecting the needed items.
Prayer Breakfast – For many years there has been a monthly community prayer breakfast that includes all the local churches in Friendswood. We host the breakfast here at our building once a year in November.
Meals on Wheels – We participate with other churches in Friendswood to deliver a hot meal to those who are homebound for whatever reason. It’s a great opportunity to touch base with those who may not otherwise have any interaction with anyone. We deliver one week at time, 6-7 times a year.